Around the World at GCA

International Month

Taking on the World, One Country at a Time

From Africa to China, Switzerland to Colombia, Finland to Brazil, Korea to Mexico, our students and staff provided the sights, sounds and tastes from around the world.

Travel History

A.C.E. Ministries’ theme for 2021/2022 was “One World: One Mission.” As a result, we embraced an international theme at school this year. Each student and staff member chose a country to represent.

Passports were issued to each student. Oral reports were presented on various topics such as culture, religion, flag, anthem, clothing, food, etc.

As the students earned Merit Certificates, they also earned a sticker to go into their passports. At the end of February, we had an International Day here at school on one of those Thursdays when the weather was acting up. Nonetheless, the Assembly Hall was turned into an international market with displays from around the world.

Students and staff prepared food traditional to their countries. It was a fun and informative day.

We do not know where the Lord will call us to serve Him. Prayerfully, our students learned more about their selected country. So much effort and time was put into these projects. 



Globe Hopping 

Here’s a virtual journey through our wonderful day of adventure.

Mrs. Lawler - Germany

Guten Tag = Good Day

Mrs. Burke – Africa

Howzit = How are you?

Huān yíng huān yíng, qǐng zuò  = Welcome, welcome!

Ambria – China

Mrs. Foote – Sweden

Kom och besök mig

= Come visit me.

Abigaile’ – Italy

bel Paese

= beautiful country

Mrs. Knight - Finland


= music

Gary – Korea


= yum


= fun

Mrs. Hoppers – Brazil

Minha casa

= My home



= Cowboy

Thanks for traveling with us.